INFO: Complaints and Appeals procedure

We strive to provide customers with the highest levels of service. However, there may be instances where the level of service may not meet the standards we wish to deliver. In this situation we ask that you contact us so that you can provide us with the opportunity to review what happend and ensure improvements can be made.

Step 1: Raise an issue with us
In the first instance if you have any complaint with the service provided please contact us using the relevent email address (ie. sales, support, accounts). If you have an existing ticket open please reply to it outlining your complaint and we will attempt to resolve the issue informally, otherwise please open a new ticket. We will attempt to resolve the issue you have outlined, the precise resolution time will depend upon the nature of your complaint.

Step 2: Escalate an issue
If after providing us with a reasonable amount of time to resolve the complaint you are not satisfied please reply to the current ticket requesting for it to be escalated. Upon escalation we will review your complaint and provide a response within 2 business days.

Step 3: Appeal
Should you not be satisfied with the response provided you can raise an appeal in writing. This should include your original ticket number(s) and outline the the outstanding complaint.

Customer Service,
YorkUK Hosting Ltd,
Eastlands Court,
St Peters Road,
CV21 3QP,
United Kingdom.

We will acknowledge receipt within within three working days of recipient and within ten working days will provide a response after conducting a review. We endevour to complete the process within ten working days but if the complaint is complex it may take longer but we will provide you with an estimated completion time and updates in the intevening period.

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